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The Story Teller 

a Ralph Isenberg Production© (RIP films)® creates documentary movies related to immigration. The entity is located in Dallas, Texas. Little of the film creations require scripting because much of the filming is in real-time. Additionally, the films rely on recreations by real-life characters. This unique approach gives each film added emotion as the viewer learns the events first-hand through those affected.


The films highlight the work of Ralph Isenberg, aka El Gringo Schindler. Isenberg has helped scores of foreign nationals and their family members fight extreme family separation and individual deportations. The results that Isenberg has achieved are considered miraculous. Isenberg is not an attorney. Additionally, Isenberg uses his resources to help those in need. Isenberg is an unrelenting protagonist who never quits until he gets positive results.


Today, all major developing nations face serious migration issues. Unfortunately, developing countries have not developed a universal policy on migration, resulting in countless human rights issues. The United States is no stranger to these issues. Most of the matters Isenberg handles are related to extreme family separation. Isenberg has a simple approach to those he helps. “The most important task is to find the one person in the government bureaucracy that with a stroke of a pen can solve the problem,” Isenberg says. He Continues, “the challenge is to know how to get to that person while keeping other government employees trying to separate the family in check.”


El Gringo Schindler™  understands that immigration matters can be too complex for the system to know how to deal with the issue. The matters Isenberg resolves are pure drama. His action plans are bold. Isenberg gains the advantage by being unpredictable. The actions taken by Isenberg are extreme. Those on the receiving end of Isenberg constantly cry “foul play.” Isenberg refuses to accept failure as an option. This dramatic work provides RIP films® with the content for the documentary films.





















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